Terms and conditions

Frequently asked questions

Domande generali

Check-in is from 2.00 pm to 8.00 pm
check-out by 10.00 am.
We can also provide a remote assistance check using our home automation system for the entrances, to be agreed before arrival.

We accept any type of credit card.

Our cancellation terms that allow you to be able to cancel your booking without incurring 100% penalties are 7 days from the date of arrival ..

Wi-Fi Internet connection is fast, reliable and free.

We are located in the historic center of Chioggia and we do not have parking but the nearest park is 7 minutes walk from our house. “Parking Jupiter”
Instead, you can park in Corso del popolo and then at the entrance of Calle Zitelle every day at times when there is no block for limited traffic. From 22.00 to 10.00

Yes, our rooms are all non-smoking.

Unfortunately, no animals are allowed.

It is possible to stop and park:

At the entrance to the calle in the course of the Popolo from 22.00 to 10.00 with the exception of Thursday (weekly market day) and some important events;

It is possible to unload luggage from the side of the Lombard Canal every day;
To park:

Giove Parking, Port Zone (Saloni Island) Giove Parking, less than 10 minutes walk from the center, is a covered multi-storey car park, open 7 days a week.

About 200 parking spaces arranged on 3 floors, tari arie and hourly and daily.
Payment method: cash or credit card, at the automatic tellers

Campo Marconi, Porte di Chioggia It is the first parking lot that is found arriving from Borgo San Giovanni, before the Doors of Chioggia. It is located behind the Civic Museum of the Southern Lagoon and is a hundred meters from the center.
Corso del Popolo In some areas of the Corso del Popolo you can find parking lots in the blue lines, with paid parking. It is not possible to park in the center during important events.

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